Improved butterfat melting consistency and reduced surface to safe touch.


Insulate butterfat melting tank to reduce tank surface temperature to safe to touch and to reduce heat loss.


Nansulate™ Translucent PT was used at a three coat coverage on the exterior of the stainless steel tank to insulate against heat loss and lower the surface to a safe to touch level. Customer Quote: “We used the PT paint to paint a 5m heated stainless steel tank which is positioned outdoors at a company in Cobden. This tank is used for melting butterfat.

We achieved a measurable difference in the contents of this tank but have lost the actual figures recorded at the time of applying the paint. The outside of the tank was previously too hot to touch. With three coats of the Nansulate™ Translucent PT coating applied, the touch was now warm to touch and there was a visual improvement to the melting efficiency of the product inside. We are very happy with the performance of Translucent PT and intend on using it to paint future tanks.”

-Regards, David Morabito, Project Engineer, Ultraspin Technology Pty Ltd

Standout Results!

The final analysis showed that Nansulate™ Translucent PT made a visual improvement in the melting efficiency of the product inside the tank and reduced the surface temperature to a safe to touch level for improved employee safety.

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UltraSpin, Australia – Dairy Tank Insulation
