Experiencing mold growth after installation of plastic windows. Looking for a clear exterior wall insulation.

– Customer Quote –

“Problem: I live in a 40-year old block of apartments. After installing new plastic windows in my apartment, I experienced mold on the interior side of the wall in close surrounding to the windows.

I applied HomeProtect™ (now Energy Protect™) Clear Coat to the exterior side of the wall, because I believe insulation from the exterior side is more efficient. Application was made in the beginning of March – early Spring in our area.

After application, mold stopped growing. I will see how it works also during next winter when the problem is most visible, but I believe that it will work. I tried your paint because we cannot agree with other owners of our apartments about total reconstruction of the facade (polystyrene or mineral wool systems), so I was forced to protect my wall individually.”

Martin Tancák

Kosice, Slovakia

Standout Results!

EnergyProtect™ (formerly HomeProtect™) clear insulation coating was used as an exterior wall insulation and also to effectively prevent mold growth. After application, mold did not return.

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Slovakia Residential Application- Exterior Wall Insulation
