Top Resources for Smart Plant Managers

Top Resources for Smart Plant Managers

Top Resources to Make Plant Managers’ Jobs Easier

Our Syneffex™ Technical Team is in the field often, walking factory floors with plant managers and seeing firsthand how busy their days are. They can have everything planned out for a typical production day and suddenly get hit with an equipment or personnel issue that they have to handle right away to keep things running smoothly. 

So we’ve learned that resources that are time efficient and make their jobs easier are greatly appreciated, no matter what country or industry the plant manager happens to be working in.

In our efforts to consistently promote Sustainability Simplified™ we looked at several great resources that Plant and Facility Managers can tap to make their jobs easier and save them money on energy and maintenance costs.

Here’s a run-down of the top helpful resources to make a Plant Manager’s life easier:

1. Syneffex™ Sustainability Series

If you’re a regular follower of our Syneffex™ email newsletter, then you’ve seen our series of 8 key areas of a Corporate Sustainability Report.

Our Syneffex™ Sustainability Series can seriously reduce the time it takes to implement goals meant to meet CSR initiatives. We break down eight key areas of a CSR and give you options to lower energy costs, reduce maintenance and replacement costs, improve employee safety, and more.

Trying to meet corporate sustainability goals? You’ll definitely want to bookmark this series.

2. SustainablePlant

Another excellent resource for plant managers researching sustainable solutions for their facility is the website of Sustainable Plant Magazine. They’ve highlighted our energy saving technology in their publication in the past and have several resources to make a Plant Manager’s job easier.

You can find everything from infographics on the dangers of industrial dust to reviews on compressed air systems. They also have a full media center with helpful videos.

3. Energy Star Industrial Energy Management Page

The U.S. Energy Star Department doesn’t only have consumer resources, they also have an area that provides some excellent resources for industrial energy management. You can find tips on building an energy management program and help on measurement and tracking.

They even have a listing of ways to earn recognition for your company as an Energy Star Partner of the Year, Plant Certification, or getting your Success Story highlighted on the Energy Star website.

4. Chemical Engineering Calculations 

Are you looking for some easy calculations for heat loss from bare surfaces? How about a calculator related to vessel thickness and volume?

I personally love this site for reliable and easy to use calculators to help you get your job done faster. Whether you’re trying to calculate a fluid flow, need a steam table reference, or looking for a spreadsheet for binary distillation, it’s an engineer’s best friend.

5. LeanProduction

Another term for sustainable manufacturing is lean production. Both basically mean the same thing, but depending upon your organization one may be the “key term” used to delineate reducing waste, reducing energy, and reducing costs in manufacturing.

This site provides several tools for improving production and maintaining equipment. They also include articles on popular Lean Production techniques such as Kaizen and Hoshin Kanri (aka Policy Deployment).

Want Sustainable Solutions? We’ve Got Them!

Top Resources For Smart Plant Managers

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