
How Do You Search For Solutions?

How Do You Search for an Energy Saving or Equipment Protection Solution?

Preventing outages and keeping corporate sustainability mandates on track to lower costs requires constant attention. Many times you know what solution you want, but you might not know how to find it easily.

Some plant and facility managers prefer to search by the surface type (wall, skylight) or equipment (oven, steam pipe), some like to search by the solution (UV resistant coating, energy saving paint), and others search by the industry they are in (pulp & paper, transportation, HOA).

All types of searches can help you find what you need to lower costs, be more sustainable, and keep your facility running smoothly. It really just comes down to your own personal preference.

That’s why our website team at Syneffex™ has anticipated all types of searches and put up helpful information in all categories. When you visit, you can search for a solution by:

  • Industries We Serve
  • Equipment Solutions
  • Sustainable Solutions
  • or by the Product Name

We know that someone in the marine industry may be looking for slightly different information than those in the architectural arena. We also understand that if you’re looking for steam pipe insulation, you could be from any of the many manufacturing industries and the same solution will work.

The main thing is that you find what you need and you find it fast.

According to a survey by Nuance Enterprise, 67% of consumers said they preferred a self-service way to find what they need over speaking with a company representative.

We recognize this and have made our solutions easier to search than ever:

  • Search pages specific to industry, solutions, or equipment
  • Search a brand new, constantly growing knowledge base

Syneffex™ solutions cover just about every insulation or surface protection need on the planet. So we continually incorporate new webpages and search features on our site to do just that… help you find your perfect solution fast.


Have you checked out our brand new HappyFox powered FAQ knowledge base? If not, you’ll be impressed, and if you’re looking for answer, you’ll be relieved!

You can now quickly search any topic and find the answer to your question, whether you’re searching at 3AM on a Saturday or 12:00 PM on a Tuesday, or any other time of day or night. It’s another way we are powering your Sustainability Accelerated™ Plan!


We welcome your input to make our site and search features better. Take a look at the menu options at and then tell us what page you’d like to see added to either our equipment, industry, or solution areas.

We add new pages weekly, so your suggestion could be up before your next monthly maintenance cycle. 

We make a difference daily. Sustainability Accelerated™… designed to make your life easier and provide you with solutions that work fast!

Let’s Get Started!

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