Insulating Exhaust Ducts

Improve Facility Efficiency & Worker Productivity by Insulating Exhaust Ducts

One area of heat process equipment that tends to go uninsulated are the large industrial exhaust ducts that are used to expel excess heat from industrial ovens, extruders, boilers, and other processing activities.

Because the heat is being removed from the process and expelled elsewhere (usually outside), there’s a belief that the exhaust doesn’t need to be insulated for energy savings. But, that misconception could be costing a facility more in another area of energy use.

Exhaust ducts are typically positioned to run up through a building, and sometimes through additional floors above the heat process equipment. If they’re not insulated, they’re radiating heat from the duct walls throughout the area, which means more load on your building’s air conditioner and lower worker productivity due to increased temperature.

Note: A University of Chicago study in 2018 shows that factory worker productivity drops four percent per degree for every degree above 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit).

HVAC systems account for a significant part of a facility’s overall energy costs. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, HVAC makes up nearly 65% of the business’ total energy consumption.

Naturally, when the air inside your facility is hotter due to heat emitted from equipment and exhausts, your air conditioning unit has to work harder to try to cool the space. That means higher electricity costs.

Insulate Exhausts for Ovens & Other Heat Processes Efficiently

Nansulate™ EPX-H2O coating offers an easy and effective solution for insulating exhausts that can be done while equipment is in service. A simple spray-on application on the exterior of the exhaust duct will reduce the heat being radiated into the surrounding environment and also lower the surface temperature for personnel safety.

Benefits of using EPX-H2O for exhaust insulation are:

  • Reduces radiant heat expelled into the building
  • Lowers HVAC cooling costs
  • Prevents corrosion
  • Controls condensation
  • Reduces exhaust surface temperature for safety
  • Space saving… less than 1/10th of an inch thick!

See this case study from the City of Cocoa, FL for more details on the EPX-H2O performance on exhausts.

…and here are additional industrial case studies:

Are Your Exhaust Ducts Heating Up Your Building?

If your exhausts ducts aren’t insulated, they could be causing your building HVAC energy costs to be higher than they need to be. Find out how affordable insulating them with EPX-H2O can be. Just request a specification below and we’ll take it from there!

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