Moisture Resistant Insulation

The Importance of Moisture Resistant Insulation

It happens in factories just about every day. Insulation being saturated with moisture from condensation, steam, or rain, and being rendered useless. We’ve often seen wet and dingy insulation hanging from pipes or tanks, just waiting to be replaced with a better, moisture resistant solution. That’s where Syneffex™ thermal insulation coatings come to the rescue.

Once moisture gets into older forms of insulation, such as mineral wool, fiberglass, or foam, several things can happen:

  1. The moisture conducts heat, so it negates the benefit of the insulation
  2. The wet insulation causes corrosion of the surface
  3. The moist environment in the insulation is a breeding ground for mold/mildew/bacteria
  4. The insulation degrades quickly, leaving bare, non-insulated areas over pipes, tanks, and other equipment

Wet Insulation No Longer Insulates!

If you’ve got aluminum cladding or covering over an insulation, you might think all is okay when it’s really not. Moisture often forms in the insulation beneath cladded areas, which could mean you have a serious corrosion problem being covered up and not even know it.

In a test by the Fraunhofer Institute to investigate the long-term effects of moisture absorption of mineral wool, it was found that its insulating ability was significantly degraded quite fast due to moisture penetration from condensation. This meant a strong risk of corrosion and an insulation effect that deteriorated rapidly.

Moisture Resistant Insulation Means Consistent, Long-Term Performance

When we get asked to directly compare our patented technology with older forms of insulation, one of the first things we point out is the difference in longevity and consistent performance. While at first glance, you may think that fiberglass or mineral wool is a little cheaper, it is actually costing you more in both the short and the long run.

Syneffex™ coatings are designed to be moisture repellent. Water just can’t infiltrate our coatings. Thus, they maintain a consistent insulating performance throughout their lifespan of 5-10 years or more, giving you the same performance you saw on day one.

… and that performance is backed up by independent testing where our coating was subjected to 100 days of hot and cold cycling, while being sprayed with salt-water. The results of this British Petroleum (BP) test standard showed that the insulating performance remained steady and did not degrade and the coating prevented corrosion of the metal surface.

Benefits of using moisture resistance insulation coatings include:

– Consistent Energy Savings
– Less Replacement Cost
– Corrosion and CUI Prevention
– Improved Worker Safety by Maintaining a Safe to Touch Temperature
– Lower Ongoing Maintenance Costs
– A More Advanced Material with Multiple Benefits
– No Exterior Covering Needed
– Can be Applied in Service while Equipment Surface is Hot (Up to 400F)

Ready to Upgrade to a Better, Moisture Resistant Insulation?

It’s easy to upgrade to a better insulation. You can start with one piece of equipment or several. All we need is a little information about it and we’ll send you a Sustainability Simplified™ Specification telling you how much you need and how much you can potentially save.

Fill out a specification request today and never worry about damp insulation again!

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